Environmental solutions

Saving earth

  • thermal Pyrolysis of Plastics, tires, Rubber Wastes to Fuel Oil, Gas and Coke

    2019 – 2020 achievements :

  • reduce 100 Millions KM trucks traffic travelling

  • save 2000 trucks tires set replacement

  • saving 42 millions man hour

  • saving 55 million liters of fuel.

  • reduce landfill area equivalent to 1970 football fields.

Saving water

  • Recovery of Potable Water for reuse from industrial wastewater and leachates

  • Recovery of Caustic and useful salts from petrochemical wastewater

  • Recovery of fertilizers from Fertilizer plant wastewater

  • Treated five million MT of hazardous liquid effluent thus minimizing the quantity for incineration

Saving air

  • Recovery of refinery SOX emissions

  • Reduced twenty-one million tons of CO2 emissions almost eqivalent to 55% of UK cars CO2 emission/year

  • Reduced 100 MT of SOX/NOX emissions from flare and incineration stacks

  • Eliminated 15000 MT of toxic BTEX, styrene, butadiene, sulfides, ammonia & chlorinated hydrocarbons from release to atmosphere as pollutants

Renewable Energy

  • Recovery of Gas (CNG, fuel gas etc) and chemicals from Biodegradable waste

  • Produced recyclable products that can be sold to the market in various industries and

    used in roads, concrete, blended in fuels etc.