VC SORB VOC and toxic hydrocarbon removal
from air and water streams
• Best Available Technology Standalone Portable stripping and extraction system
• Proven in multiple SABIC affiliates for treating RCER Off spec wastewater, shutdown wastewater and for VOC air emissions control
• Over 10,000, 000 m3 of wastewater treated and discharged to RC per specs
• Lowest Lifecycle cost of any alternate technology for same superior performance Confidential
• Design, engineering, implementation, 24 x 7 operation and maintenance and spares
• Performance guarantee
• Provided on rental or rent to own basis
• Installation within 10 20 days from PO
• Portable, modular easy to mobilize, erect, install and start up
• Portable VOC PID analyzer onsite for constant effluent and unit performance monitoringfor BTEX
• 90% pure oil recovered for sale
Portable Rental Engineered Skid Packages
• Removal of oils, TSS, TOC, BTEX, VOC’s and SVOC’s
• Contaminated Closed loop Cooling water and wastewater treatment for reusing, reducing water wastage and discharge per RCER specs
• Shut down wastewater treatment to RCER specs
• Tank or Air VOC emissions reduction and control to RCER specs
Portable Unit Capabilities
Closed Cooling water Loop decontamination to remove Volatile Compounds without wasting CW
Meeting RCER specs during Shut downs
Portable Unit Capabilities
Tank VOC emissions Control
1. 100% Reduction of :
. VOCs (32,000 ppm )
. NH3 (990 ppm)
. Methylamines (1100 ppm )
. H2S (10,000 ppm )
2. Degassing Operations down to 10 % LEL or lower
3 . Oeder Control for Neighboring residdents